Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Commercial Auto for Nonprofit, Childcare, Social and Human Services

What is Commercial Auto?

Commercial Auto coverage is very similar to your Personal Auto coverage. Commercial auto can cover liability and physical damage much like a personal auto policy, but it is distinct in the fact that commercial auto policies cover automobiles owned or used for business purposes. If an organization buys a car to transport supplies from point A to point B, that car would be deemed "commercial" and would need to obtain Commercial Auto Coverage.

What if an employee is driving their car on behalf of the company?

When cars are not owned by the company, but operate on behalf of the company, then Hired/Non owned Auto Insurance is the applicable coverage. Hired/Non owned Auto (HNOA) can cover employees who work on behalf of the company and their vehicles. This coverage is only for business operation purposes. For example, if an employee at a nonprofit drives supplies from one location to another for your organization, the time in which they are driving to make the delivery would be covered, but their daily commute to work in the morning would not be covered. Commercial Auto coverage for nonprofits can be purchased within a package policy.

Obtain Commercial Auto with a package quote for your nonprofit, social or human services today!

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